Program Portfolio Assessment for Higher Education

What are the best data sources, analyses, and decision-making processes for evaluating your academic program portfolio? 

Learn the most effective techniques by joining Gray's 6-part webcast series on Best Practices in Program Decision-Making.  We will share innovations and insights we have developed during our decade conducting program evaluations for colleges and universities across the country.  This information will help your institution: 

  • Improve the quality and increase the speed of program decisions
  • Identify healthy new programs that can increase enrollment
  • Determine which current programs have opportunities for further growth
  • Identify struggling programs in poor markets that may need to sunset
  • Build consensus on program decisions among faculty and administrators 

We will identify the best data sources for evaluating student demand, employment opportunities, and competition in your markets.  As important, we will share the underlying issues with the available data, including weaknesses in public sources (e.g. Google, IPEDS and BLS) and challenges in paid subscription data (e.g. GrayReports, Burning Glass Technologies and CEB Talent Neuron). 

Best Practices in Program Decision-Making 6-part webcast topics and dates are:

  1. Understand Student Demand February 26 at 1:00 PM
  2. Determine Employer Needs March 26 at 2:00 PM
  3. Evaluate Competitive Intensity April 16 at 2:00 PM
  4. Calculating Program Economics May 28 at 2:00 PM
  5. Inform and Engage Constituencies June 18 at 2:00 PM
  6. Integrate and Sustain July 16 at 2:00 PM

We will also share our insights on how to run an effective program portfolio evaluation process, including:

  • An overall approach and methodology to stack rank all academic programs 
  • Interpretation and weighting of specific metrics (e.g. BLS forecasts vs. job postings)
  • An efficient, facilitated process to secure buy-in from key stakeholders.
  • Real-time examples of analysis of specific programs by location

The data and methodology can be used to help select the best academic programs to Start, Stop, Sustain, or Grow at each of your campus locations and online.

Register now to enroll in our 6-part webcast series. 

We'll send you a confirmation for each session via email. You can also view the first 3  Masterclass's here If you are unable to attend all the sessions or have already missed one or more sessions, you can still register for the series.  All registrants will receive a recording of each live webcast as well as a copy of the presentation.


2020 Best Practices in Program Portfolio Assessment